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Instinct or Insight


A personal story about my own leadership development

- Gerhard Bley

Instikt eller insikt - Gerhard Bley - Det Empatiska Ledarskapet

In this book, Gerhard Bley talks more about the journey and insights that led to Empathic Leadership. The book clearly describes the power and success this brings to an organization, but also emphasizes how this approach can help people in general, and leaders in particular, to experience greater harmony and satisfaction in life. With both a personal story and concrete methodology in Empathetic Leadership, the book is a great tool for anyone who wants to learn more about this new way of managing a company.

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Psychologist and blogger

          Gerhard Bley breaks new ground by coming out and talking about his own experience in therapy and about the key role this therapy had in the development of his own leadership model, a people-oriented leadership style that provides the foundation for what workplaces and people must do in today’s market to meet people’s needs and life situations.


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Komlitt is a privately owned book publisher that publishes easy-to-read, simple and affordable books on current topics for managers and elected representatives. Most of the publisher's books are manuals. They describe clearly and concretely, for example, what to think about if you have a managerial responsibility. The publisher's goal is to produce books that everyone in the public and private sector benefits from and enjoys reading.

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